Kinch Robinson - Claims Training

Claims skills training for the know-how and skills that claims handlers need to be effective.

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This training is for anyone whose work involves making liability decisions about road traffic accidents. The training incorporates a suite of courses which look at liability in different accident scenarios.  The courses cover Carparks Country road Cyclists Emergency vehicles Large vehicles Motorbikes Multi-lane accidents Overtaking Pedestrians Roundabouts Swerving Traffic lights Turning left Turning right Each course has a selection of different accident scenarios, with over 130 in total. In each accident you will consider how the Highway Code applies what evidence you need to gather caselaw where relevant At the end of each scenario you will find out how your view of liability compares with our barrister's view and see a short video explaining the arguments each party to the accident is likely to make. Read more

This course looks at liability in accidents involving protective equipment. There are 4 different accident scenarios. Each one looks at what evidence is needed to investigate liability and the legislation that applies. You will then be asked to assess liability based on a set of evidence. This is followed by a video of a barrister with their analysis of the likely outcome if the claim were to go to trial. Read more

This course looks at liability in accidents involving ladders. This scenario looks at what evidence is needed to investigate liability and the legislation that applies. You will then be asked to assess liability based on a set of evidence. This is followed by a video of a barrister with their analysis of the likely outcome if the claim were to go to trial. Read more

This course looks at liability in accidents involving machinery. This scenario looks at what evidence is needed to investigate liability and the legislation that applies. You will then be asked to assess liability based on a set of evidence. This is followed by a video of a barrister with their analysis of the likely outcome if the claim were to go to trial. Read more

This course looks at liability in accidents involving manual handling. There are 7 different accident scenarios. Each one looks at what evidence is needed to investigate liability and the legislation that applies. You will then be asked to assess liability based on a set of evidence. This is followed by a video of a barrister with their analysis of the likely outcome if the claim were to go to trial. Read more

This course looks at liability in accidents involving construction. There are 3 different accident scenarios. Each one looks at what evidence is needed to investigate liability and the legislation that applies. You will then be asked to assess liability based on a set of evidence. This is followed by a video of a barrister with their analysis of the likely outcome if the claim were to go to trial. Read more

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