This course is an introduction to Anti-Money Laundering for law firms and their staff.
There are three modules
- AML - the Basics
- Client Due Diligence
- Reporting
The course also includes a Quiz which you must pass to complete the course. The pass mark is 80%.
If you already know your way around your AML obligations you can take the Quiz at the start of the course, and if you pass you won't have to complete the three modules.
The course takes 75 minutes to complete. You can stop at any time and resume where you left off.
Who is the course for?
Anyone working in a law firm. If you pass the Quiz at the start of the course and don’t want a refresher, you can go straight to our Anti-Money Laundering Scenarios. They are released quarterly and will help you to assess how well you can apply what you know. Each scenario also includes a test.
Subject matter expert: Trevor Hellawell
Script: Peter Kinch
E-design: Emily Reed
Nothing in this e-learning course, or any part of it, is intended to be legal advice, nor should you treat it as such. Always check the law and regulations yourself.
As a result of completing this course you will know:
- what money laundering is and how and why you and your firm are at risk
- key legal and regulatory obligations for you and for your firm
- when and how to complete Customer Due Diligence (CDD), Enhanced CDD and other checks
- why ongoing monitoring and constant vigilance are essential
- when and how to report to your Money Laundering Reporting Officer
- how to avoid the risks of “tipping off”
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Anti-Money Laundering for Law Firms
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